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[Datsun 1200 encyclopedia]

Yahoo Auctions Japan

From Datsun 1200 Club

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There are lots of Datsun 1200 parts on Yahoo! Auctions Japan, since the Datsun 1200 Truck (GB122) was made in Japan until 1995.



Setting up your browser to view Japanese text

What do you see here?


If you see the words like the following:
...then your browser is already configured for Japanese fonts.

But if you see something like this, it means that the regular Japanese fonts are missing:


If the text doesn't match the image, your browser isn't showing the correct Japanese characters.

By the way, the text says:

Datsun Sunny Coupe KB110
Katakana   Romaji
ダットサン   Dattosan
サニー     Sanii
クーペ     Kuupe
(KB110 is the chassis code for the Datsun 1200 Coupe)

How to view Japanese text

  • If you have Windows, in Edge click '...', then click Settings, then click Languages, then click Add Language
  • If you are using the old Internet Explorer, on the View menu, click Encoding, then click "Auto-Select". If you are prompted to download the Japanese language support, click Yes


Example searches:

TIP: Use the "camera" link (画像) to switch from plain lists to photo thumbnails of each auction item.


  • Most Japanese sellers will not ship outside of Japan
  • Most sellers only accept Japanese Bank transfer for payment
  • Difficult to understand the rules of the auction, which can differ slightly from the US Yahoo! Auctions
  • Difficult to ask questions of the seller unless you read and write fluent Japanese

If you have a friend in Japan, see if they'll buy items for you, and ship them to you. This is the best way to go.

Search Keywords

Type in "510" or or "B110" something similar. But to really narrow it down you can also type in the Japanese for Datsun or Nissan:

Datsun: ダットサン
Nissan: ニッサン 
Nissan: 日産
engine: エンジン
L-series: L型
A-series: A型
Bluebird: ブルーバード
Silvia: シルビア
Truck: トラック
Nismo: ニスモ

Help Translating Japanese

Machine translation does a poor job, but good enough to figure stuff out:

Yen currency conversion - at current rate: UCC. In January 2003, it was about 125 YEN to each US Dollar. So a 2,000 Yen bid would be about $16 USD.

Learn to read katakana - most of the auction pages are at least 50% katagana: Easy Katakana: How to Read and Write English Words Used in Japanese by Tina Wells

Proxy Bidding Service

If you don't have a friend in Japan who is able to buy for you, most of the problems can be overcome by using a proxy bidding service. This company will bid on Yahoo Japan items for you, buy it, and ship it to you.


  • Nengun has launched a website that allows searching and bidding on the Yahoo Japan Auctions in English, specifically aimed at the huge range of car parts available.
  • You can search by category, brand, vehicle or keyword and results are automatically translated
  • Bids are made on the Nengun website with a full break down of the costs involved
  • Shipping is available to anywhere in the world with competitive shipping and service fees
  • Fast communication via special Auctions contact form


  • Americans and others can bid, as long as they have VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover card and a verifiable address
  • Your cost on a $20 USD item will be about $70 by the time it is shipped to the US. This includes the seller's price shipping and tax/fees, Rinkya's commission ("Fee"), Rinkya's flat in-Japan shipping charge and the actual international shipping cost + 25% of said shipping cost.
- It takes weeks to get the items
- returns presumably would be difficult
- Free sign up. Must supply a Credit Card
- You put a deposit down on your card

You must request Rinkya to create a custom search, if one of their existing doesn't find what you want. They don't cover all Yahoo! items, only ones in certain pre-defined searches

- Read the Rinkya FAQs

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This page has been accessed 28,656 times. This page was last modified 21:02, 10 September 2021. Content is available under Datsun 1200 Club.